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Tag: Social conflict

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Until quite recently, U.S. President George Washington was considered the ideal American: honest, brave, wise, and patriotic. None of that has changed.

Washington offered some good advice about how to have a healthy society and a just government:

"We ...

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Most people aren't familiar with the idea of "othering," but they are familiar with what it is. They've seen it. They've done it to other people, and they've had it done to them.

To "other" a group of people is to devalue their lives, welfare, and concerns. It's not new, nor is it done only by humans. In their ...

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Name an issue: Immigration. Abortion. Free speech. Lockdowns. Riots. Race relations.

Many people are absolutely sure that they know what the problems and solutions are. If you don't agree with them, then they think you must be ignorant, stupid, or just plain evil. They know better than you, not only about how to run society but also ...

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What if we just can't agree about some issues?

Suppose that we've had calm, rational conversations with people on the other side of the dispute. It does happen occasionally.

And suppose that each side understands the other. People on each side believe that the people on the other side are sane, well-informed, and acting in good faith. ...

Blog | Why Sane People Believe Crazy Things